Project Goals

Create awareness on social entrepreneurship
To create more awareness on social entrepreneurship among youth as (self) employment opportunity in the future.

Fostering entrepreneurial skills
To improve entrepreneurial opportunities and to empower youth to act as intrapreneurs.

Fight youth unemployment across Europe
By focusing on connecting youth as entrepreneurs to businesses

Activate youngsters and youth workers to play an active role in society
By involving youngsters in finding solutions for local social problems and supporting youth workers on how to guide and support the youngsters

Provide inspiration and motivation to become social entrepreneurs
By organising a competition where social business ideas will be pitched, we want to engage and activate youngsters directly.

Bridge the gap between youth and business
By connecting youngsters and entrepreneurs in an early stage in their lives. The importance of networking will be emphasised in the broadest sense of the word.
How to reach these SUSE goals?
Training curriculum for youth
This curriculum will include important theory about the importance of social entrepreneurship and the sustainable development goals, a step-by-step guideline on how to become a social entrepreneur, business model canvas, digital marketing skills and good practices of local social entrepreneurs. Besides theory, the second part will be more practical: field trips to social companies, interviews with local entrepreneurs, job shadowing and practical assignment including the local community. During the course, youth will keep track of a handbook, which directly leads to the development of a business model. This can be used for the competition!
Moreover, an instruction guide and digital coaching manual will be developed for youth workers for practical guidance.
Digital Coaching Manual for Youth Workers​
The Digital Coaching Manual for Youth Workers will focus on digital youth work and how digitalisation can be applied in coaching youth. Digital youth work can happen in face-to-face situations using digital tools as well as in online environments, or a combination of both. The importance of using digital media and technology will be addresses, to reach out to youth and to activate them.
It will function as an effective roadmap for youth workers to implement their digital skills and adapt their current training programmes to different elements of digitalisation. This leads to professional guidance of youth and keeping up with the digital skills of young people.
Handbook ‘How to set up a (digital) competition
Lastly, we will organise a pitching competition and for this we will develop and test a handbook. Elements that are covered in the handbook are for example the preparation, how to market the competition, recruit participants, prepare the participants etc.